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🔵🟡 Severodonetsk. Graves of civilians just in the yards, the ruins of high-rise buildings and deserted streets #severodonetsk #stoprussia 🇺🇦 Subscribe | Chat | Suggest news | – СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс

🔵🟡 Severodonetsk.

Graves of civilians just in the yards, the ruins of high-rise buildings and deserted streets

#severodonetsk #stoprussia

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Source : СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс
Link :
Date : 2022-07-20T09:57:05.000Z


🔵🟡 Северодонецк.

Могилы мирных жителей просто во дворах, руины многоэтажек и безлюдные улицы

#северодонецк #stoprussia

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