Ukraine Telegram Archive

Live Translations of Ukrainian Telegram Channels

Reports of an arrival at the occupants’ warehouse in Kherson Oblast It burns beautifully. We are waiting for information on the losses of the Russians. UA Insider | Subscribe – Инсайдер UA

TRANSLATION : Reports of an arrival at the occupants’ warehouse in Kherson Oblast It burns beautifully. We are waiting for information on the losses of the Russians. UA Insider | Subscribe Source : Инсайдер UA Link : Date : 2022-07-20T19:51:41.000Z ORIGINAL : Сообщают о прилёте в склад оккупантов на Херсонщине Горит красиво. Ждём инфу […]

Arestovich described how the occupants attacked, but eventually lost two settlements in the Bakhmut direction. He also said that the number of shelling dropped from 45,000 to 15,000 per day because th – Украина 24/7

TRANSLATION : Arestovich described how the occupants attacked, but eventually lost two settlements in the Bakhmut direction. He also said that the number of shelling dropped from 45,000 to 15,000 per day because the Rashists simply have nothing to shoot at. The badge on Arestovich’s shirt deserves special attention – it reads “2-3 tizhni”. Source […]

At yesterday’s summit in Iran, Putin was coughing all the time, but he never died, then something else fell out of his nose. – Украина 24/7

TRANSLATION : At yesterday’s summit in Iran, Putin was coughing all the time, but he never died, then something else fell out of his nose. Source : Украина 24/7 Link : Date : 2022-07-20T20:00:20.000Z ORIGINAL : На вчерашнем саммите в Иране путин постоянно кашлял, но так и не умер, потом у него ещё что-то […]

Stay in cover, the shelling continues. Don’t ignore the alarm! Remember, at least two walls from the window Send news 👉 @Kharkiv_Lifebot 👉 SUBSCRIBE – Харьков Life | Украина 🇺🇦

TRANSLATION : Stay in cover, the shelling continues. Don’t ignore the alarm! Remember, at least two walls from the window Send news 👉 @Kharkiv_Lifebot 👉 SUBSCRIBE Source : Харьков Life | Украина 🇺🇦 Link : Date : 2022-07-20T19:49:50.000Z ORIGINAL : Оставайтесь в укрытии, обстрел продолжается Не игнорируйте тревогу! Помним, минимум 2 стены от окна […]

“The name HIMARS has become more or less familiar to our people – just like the Javelin or NLAW, the Stugna or Neptune. And it is obvious that the next similar name will come from modern anti-aircra – Держспецзв’язку

TRANSLATION : “The name HIMARS has become more or less familiar to our people – just like the Javelin or NLAW, the Stugna or Neptune. And it is obvious that the next similar name will come from modern anti-aircraft defense systems, which we ask our partners for. Representatives of our state have not stopped working […]

– Оперативний ЗСУ

TRANSLATION : Source : Оперативний ЗСУ Link : Date : 2022-07-20T20:05:35.000Z ORIGINAL :

🔵🟡 Here they are the famous staged videos. This time they will be destroying HIMARS Why are you comrades so bad at keeping track of documents. #propaganda #stoprussia 🇺🇦 Subscribe | – СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс

TRANSLATION : 🔵🟡 Here they are the famous staged videos. This time they will be destroying HIMARS Why are you comrades so bad at keeping track of documents. #propaganda #stoprussia 🇺🇦 Subscribe | Chat | Suggest News | Source : СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс Link : Date : 2022-07-20T19:56:12.000Z ORIGINAL : 🔵🟡 Вот они знаменитые […]

🔵🟡 It didn’t hit the nuclear power plant. In Energodar the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a concentration of Russian troops Russian cesspits disperse information that Ukraine is trying to get in – СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс

TRANSLATION : 🔵🟡 It didn’t hit the nuclear power plant. In Energodar the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a concentration of Russian troops Russian cesspits disperse information that Ukraine is trying to get into a nuclear power plant’s power unit. #energodar #stoprussia 🇺🇦 Subscribe | Chat | Suggest News | Source : СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс Link […]

🔵🟡 In Russia, local police officers are forced to donate 10,000 rubles each to an army of homeless people and report back to their superiors. #rf #stoprussia 🇺🇦 Subscribe | Chat | Sugg – СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс

TRANSLATION : 🔵🟡 In Russia, local police officers are forced to donate 10,000 rubles each to an army of homeless people and report back to their superiors. #rf #stoprussia 🇺🇦 Subscribe | Chat | Suggest News | Source : СЕВЕРОДОНЕЦК | Донбасс Link : Date : 2022-07-20T19:56:12.000Z ORIGINAL : 🔵🟡 На россии местных полицейских […]

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