Ukraine Telegram Archive

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From a subscriber: I was there on March 7, at that time a large number of people were sheltering in the school. There were many children. The basement panels were still intact and there was no such – Мариуполь сейчас 🇺🇦

From a subscriber:

I was there on March 7, at that time a large number of people were sheltering in the school. There were many children. The basement panels were still intact and there was no such destruction. People who were in the basement of the school said that they were safe and offered a place. They still had a couple of empty seats. It was very dark, cold and damp in the basement.
Source : Мариуполь сейчас 🇺🇦
Link :
Date : 2022-07-12T19:40:06.000Z




От подписчика:

Школа №68.Был там седьмого марта,на тот момент в школе укрывалась большое количество людей.Было много детей.Цокольные панели ещё были целы и не было таких разрушений.Люди которые находились в подвале школы, говорили что у них безопасно и предлагали место.У них ещё было пару свободных мест.В подвале было очень темно,холодно и сыро.Надо было найти строительные поддоны чтобы на них спать.Я отказался,прошел мимо.Надеюсь там все уцелели.

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